

The entire body and face coming from India. It is designed to calm the psyche. It is releasing. Reduce toxins, lowers blood pressure, improves immunity and overall well-being of the organism. It works anti-stressing. Reduces Vatta - provides energy in the body. It removes stiffness and spasms, brings peace. We use high quality natural oils and essences.

Odstraňuje stuhnutie a spazmy, prináša pokoj.

Pri masáži sa používajú vysokokvalitné prírodné oleje a esencie.

Duration : 80 minutes


Honey is an old healing process. It comes from Russia, where it was used as a powerful healing method. A simple manual technique is due to natural honey coming from the surrounding mountain meadows and forests unique detoxification and revitalization effect. Honey positively affect overall health and stimulates samouzdravovací body process.

Is recommended for:

Duration : 30 minutes


Is performed on the face, head, cervical spine, neck and toes slow and subtle movements. Affects the overall calm and well-being, removes headache.

Duration : 30 minutes


brings relief to a large voltage across the spine. For this tension is the responsible authorities, whose function is probably impaired. Massage to deploy the flasks and place them in a special moving back. The intensive massage of the body flush out toxic substances, which blamed poor blood circulation, respectively. causing muscle spasms. This surfeit of the body toxic substances will disappear after the massage, banks influence imunostimulujúceho autologous action.

Note: When massaging the bruises may arise!

Duration : 60 minutes


Special neck and back massage with aroma oil, natural meadow of flowers. It relaxes muscle tension, drain pollutants from the body, acts as a balm for the soul. Is recommended as an appropriate form of relaxation and mental recovery.

Duration : 30 minutes

Design by Ľuboš Pittner